Nowadays projects are seen as a more visual way to achieving goals and are popular. Inputs, outputs and outcomes are clearly defined. The beginning and the end are marked. The roadmap that is developed as you plan for the project becomes your compass. Beacuse You plan to monitor and evaluate, you have a chance restrategising in time when things are not going according to plan. The documentation that goes with projects such production of reports provides for learning experiences that could be used in future projects. It is my belief that if all projects were successfully implemented, then Malawi and most of Africa would have been a better place to be.
We have heard of successful projects and we may have seen or heard of projects that failed. Success with our projects is probably what we all need. Here therefore are some tips that I believe could assist you succeed in your projects.
At the definition stage, involve implementors or the people who actually do the thing. This way you will have a project that is more realistic in terms of definition. Project documents should be read and understood by the project team before engaging on the project. Agree before you set out.
Projects come in two ways - either to enhance or broaden what is already there (expansion) or to fill in a certain deficiency. In either case ensure that the implementors are rewarded appropriately.
Ensure that the project is driven from inside and not outside. Strive to implement your dream and not somebody else's dream.
Budgets should be activity based - they will be more realistic. Let the implementors develop these. Budgets should be in local currency and based on the actual in the project account.
Roles of the members of the project team should clearly be spelt out. The members should be given the power to initiate and undertake their activities. Theyshould have the authority to do what they are supposed to do.
There should be a time keeper. Somebody should do the monitoring to ensure that everybody is doing their thing when and how it is supposed to be done.
Make sure you all have the same urgency. If you are not cruising at the same speed, the team might be frustrated.
Make sure you have the time to walk the project. Reports have to be read and written. Communication has to take place all the time. things have to be done.This needs time and in project time is the king. Projects are time framed.
Things might go wrong along the way. Be open with each other on the issues and sort them out amicably.
In the absence of the above, the following will happen:
Suppliers will not be paid on time
Activities will stagnate
Distrust and the blame game amongst yourselves will ensue
Reports to the donor will be late
You will not be able to spend what you were given
You will become very good at creating excuses
The project might register low levels of success.
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